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Domain InformationPROMO

Domain registration only for 2400 RUB26.64 $25.2 €

General information about the domain zone

  • Domain zone namePROMO
  • CountryInternational Zone
  • Domain zone launch year2016
  • PurposeDomain registration in the PROMO zone is open for individuals and legal entities.
  • Zone Registry Whois Update PeriodEvery 15 minutes
  • IDN domains supportNo
  • Allowed number of characters excluding domain zone2-63
  • Personal data concealment service (Private Person)Yes
How can I see the site before updating dns servers

Stand out among the gray mass

In the modern world, it is not enough just to create a website and try to promote it. You should attract from the first minutes, talk about yourself from the first seconds. And while the rest are coming up with names for the future site in RU or COM from what is left, you have access to a huge selection of domains in the PROMO zone, which can be registered right now in the form below. Choose the option you like and in one click buy a domain name for your future project. This is your first and important step towards success, which will give an impetus for further development.

Register domain in PROMO zone

Already have a website? Register a middle name in the MOSCOW zone

  • Many free beautiful names
  • More target audience
  • Grabs attention