Inexpensive hosting for sites on the Wordpress engine from rubles / month. Hosting is optimized as much as possible for stable, safe and fast work of the WP-engine. All tariffs provide a free SSL certificate, and when paying for hosting for a year or more, a domain is registered for free in RU, RF or RUS zones.
On hosting HostingRU hosted more than 10,000 sites on Wordpress, Join now!
69 ₽/month 0.83 $/month 0.76 €/month 69 ₽/month 0.83 $/month 0.76 €/month373 ₽/6 months
Saving 41 ₽4.48$/6 months
Saving 0.5$4.1€/6 months
Saving 0.46€-10%
704 ₽/year
Saving 124 ₽8.47$/year
Saving 1.49$7.75€/year
Saving 1.37€-15%
373 ₽/6 months
Saving 41 ₽4.48$/6 months
Saving 0.5$4.1€/6 months
Saving 0.46€-10%
704 ₽/year
Saving 124 ₽8.47$/year
Saving 1.49$7.75€/year
Saving 7.75€-15%
Domain free 3rd level domain in the zone (Cpanel) or (ISPManger). Do not fill in the field "domain" when ordering hosting.
1 site
No databases
No mail
Control Panel
99 ₽/month 1.18 $/month 1.09 €/month 99 ₽/month 1.18 $/month {%pricelist.1785/price.1.mon.eur%}€/month535 ₽/6 months
Saving 59 ₽6.37$/6 months
Saving 0.71$5.89€/6 months
Saving 5.89€-10%
1010 ₽/year
Saving 178 ₽12.04$/year
Saving 2.12$11.12€/year
Saving 1.96€-15%
535 ₽/6 months
Saving 59 ₽6.37$/6 months
Saving 0.715.89€/6 months
Saving 0.65€-10%
1010 ₽/year
Saving 178 ₽12.04$/year
Saving 12.04$11.12€/year
Saving 11.12€-15%
Domain free Free domain registration RU, РФ, РУС. when paying for a year
3 sites
3 databases
Control Panel
149 ₽/month 1.78 $/month 1.64 €/month 149 ₽/month 1.78 $/month 1.64 €/month805 ₽/6 months
Saving 89 ₽9.61$/6 months
Saving 1.07$8.86€/6 months
Saving 0.98€-10%
1520 ₽/year
Saving 268 ₽18.16$/year
Saving 3.2$16.73€/year
Saving 2.95€-15%
805 ₽/6 months
Saving 89 ₽9.61$/6 months
Saving 1.07$8.86€/6 months
Saving 0.98€-10%
1520 ₽/year
Saving 268 ₽18.16$/year
Saving 3.2$16.73€/year
Saving 2.95€-15%
Domain free Free domain registration RU, РФ, РУС. when paying for a year
10 sites
10 databases
Control Panel
249 ₽/month 2.97 $/month 2.74 €/month 249 ₽/month 2.97 $/month 2.74 €/month1345 ₽/6 months
Saving 149 ₽16.04$/6 months
Saving 1.78$14.8€/6 months
Saving 1.64€-10%
2540 ₽/year
Saving 448 ₽30.29$/year
Saving 5.35$27.95€/year
Saving 4.93€-15%
1345 ₽/6 months
Saving 149 ₽16.04$/6 months
Saving 1.78$14.8€/6 months
Saving 1.64€-10%
2540 ₽/year
Saving 448 ₽30.29$/year
Saving 5.35$27.95€/year
Saving 4.93€/year-15%
Domain free Free domain registration RU, РФ, РУС. when paying for a year
20 sites
20 databases
Control Panel
299 ₽/month 3.56 $/month 3.29 €/month 299 ₽/month 3.56 $/month 3.29 €/month1615 ₽/6 months
Saving 179 ₽19.22$/6 months
Saving 2.14$17.77€/6 months
Saving 1.97€-10%
3050 ₽/year
Saving 538 ₽36.31$/year
Saving 6.41$33.56€/year
Saving 5.92€-15%
1615 ₽/6 months
Saving 179 ₽19.22$/6 months
Saving 2.14$17.77€/6 months
Saving 1.97€-10%
3050 ₽/year
Saving 538 ₽36.31$/year
Saving 6.41$33.56€/year
Saving 5.92€-15%
Domain free Free domain registration RU, РФ, РУС. when paying for a year
30 site
30 database
Control Panel
599 ₽/month 7.13 $/month 6.59 €/month 599 ₽/month 7.13 $/month 6.59 €/month3235 ₽/6 months
Saving 359 ₽38.5$/6 months
Saving 4.28$35.59€/6 months
Saving 3.95€-10%
6110 ₽/year
Saving 1078 ₽72.73$/year
Saving 12.83$67.22€/year
Saving 11.86€-15%
3235 ₽/6 months
Saving 359 ₽38.5$/6 months
Saving 4.28$35.59€/6 months
Saving 3.95€-10%
6110 ₽/year
Saving 1078 ₽72.73$/year
Saving 12.83$67.22€/year
Saving 11.86€-15%
Domain free Free domain registration RU, РФ, РУС. when paying for a year
60 sites
60 databases
Control Panel
1249 ₽/month 14.87 $/month 13.74 €/month 1249 ₽/month 14.87 $/month 13.74 €/month6745 ₽/6 months
Saving 749 ₽80.3$/6 months
Saving 8.92$74.2€/6 months
Saving 8.24€-10%
12740 ₽/year
Saving 2248 ₽151.67$/year
Saving 26.77$140.15€/year
Saving 24.73€-15%
6745 ₽/6 months
Saving 749 ₽80.3$/6 months
Saving 8.92$74.2€/6 months
Saving 8.24€-10%
12740 ₽/year
Saving 2248 ₽151.67$/year
Saving 26.77$140.15€/year
Saving 24.73€-15%
Domain free Free domain registration RU, РФ, РУС. when paying for a year
120 sites
120 databases
Control Panel
Hosting Key Features
WordPress is considered to be the most popular platform for website building. A third of the web projects operating in the Internet space are based on this CMS. The high demand for the platform is due to the fact that this engine is an equally suitable platform for use by novice and experienced developers.Among the advantages of WordPress are usually called free software, a Russian-language interface and updates that are updated regularly. The main advantage of WordPress is the availability of 54 thousand plugins, which are add-ons to the system that increase the functionality of the base program. For example, thanks to WooCommerce, a corporate business card can easily turn into an online store. Using bbPress helps you organize a forum for your existing blog.To install the plug-in, you will need to download the application from the developer's official website with subsequent activation on the panel or in the console.
To use hosting of web projects on this platform, PHP, MySQL support is required. Our site fully complies with this requirement. Securing data on SSD drives is essential to ensure that our customers' websites load faster than many competitors.For the CMS platform, we make the presentation of special rates. The difference between our offers from virtual hosting is that customers receive an immediately installed system image of the newest version, as well as extended download limits.These are great opportunities for building a website without the time consuming loading of the CMS platform and without any worries about overshoots and max_execution_time and memory_limit. An important detail: this program can host an unlimited number of mailboxes, domains.
The project is added to the system after choosing a hosting tariff plan. The difference between them differs in such indicators as the number of sites and databases allowed, as well as the size of the space provided on the disk. Then registration is carried out directly, which requires the introduction of the full name and mail, sending the completed form.Next, the control panel opens. It is on this site that you pay for hosting. The client receives a ten-day test period.If there is a need to transfer finished projects, you should contact the support consultants. Our engineers will handle them with care. They also always answer all the questions that arise, for which they use the hosting control panel.
Among platforms, WordPress has the status of the undisputed world leader among CMS. The platform hosts over 17 million websites. It attracts with a simple interface that is understandable even for beginners who want to create a personal blog.The system is used in a wide range, which includes the creation of Internet shops, sites for various entertainment and great pastime, news portals, as well as personal Internet pages.The range of application of the system, however, is much wider: it is used to create online stores, entertainment sites, news portals and personal Internet pages.
On WordPress, all websites are easily optimized for successful search engine indexing. They are ready for promotion immediately after their creation and launch on the Internet.
Yes, when paying for hosting for a year or more, domain registration in RU, РФ or РУС zones is free of charge.
Yes, SSL certificate is provided free of charge.
The differences are that more resources and more powerful hardware are used. The special settings of the hosting site ensure the speed and reliability of the sites.
Yes, you can change the tariff in the user's personal account.
Yes, in our hosting panel you can set up a website quickly in one click.