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Cheap hosting for the site, inexpensive hosting of sites and projects.

Host-1site hosting

1 site


No databases

Domain free 3rd level domain in (Cpanel) or (ISPManger) zones. Do not fill in the "domain" field when ordering hosting.

Mail - no No mailbox creation.

Processor 15% core

250MB DDR4 memory

Archiving (backup):
Daily Every day we make an archive copy of the site to a remote server

Control Panel:

69 ₽ for 1 month0.70$ for 1 month0.67€ for 1 month

69 ₽ for 1 month0.70$ for 1 month0.67€ for 1 month

373 ₽ for 6 months
Saving 41 ₽
3.78$ for 6 months
Saving 0.42$
3.62€ for 6 months
Saving 0.4€

704 ₽ for 1 year
Saving 124 ₽
7.14$ for 1 year
Saving 1.26$
6.83€ for 1 year
Saving 1.21€

373 ₽ for 6 months
Saving 41 ₽
3.78$ for 6 months
Saving 0.42$
3.62€ for 6 months
Saving 0.4€

704 ₽ for 1 year
Saving 124 ₽
7.14$ for 1 year
Saving 1.26$
6.83€ for 1 year
Saving 6.83€


Test period 3-15 days

without payment and entering card data

Host-3site hosting

3 sites


3 databases

Domain free Free domain registration RU, РФ, РУС.

Unlimited FTP, mailboxes - unlimited! Unlimited traffic!

Processor 15% core

250MB DDR4 memory

Archiving (backup):
Daily Every day we make an archive copy of the site to a remote server

Control Panel:

99 ₽ for 1 month1$ for 1 month0.96€ for 1 month

99 ₽ for 1 month1$ for 1 month0.96€ for 1 month

535 ₽ for 6 months
Saving 59 ₽
5.4$ for 6 months
Saving 0.6$
5.18€ for 6 months
Saving 5.18€

1010 ₽ for year
Saving 178 ₽
10.2$ for year
Saving 1.8$
9.79€ for year
Saving 1.73€

535 ₽ for 6 months
Saving 59 ₽
5.4$ for 6 months
Saving 0.6
5.18€ for 6 months
Saving 0.58€

1010 ₽ for year
Saving 178 ₽
10.2$ for year
Saving 10.2$
9.79€ for year
Saving 9.79€


Test period 3-15 days

without payment and entering card data

Host-10site hosting

10 sites


10 databases

Domain free Free domain registration RU, РФ, РУС.

Unlimited FTP, mailboxes - unlimited! Unlimited traffic!

Processor 20% core

250MB DDR4 memory

Archiving (backup):
Daily Every day we make an archive copy of the site to a remote server

Control Panel:

149 ₽ for 1 month1.51$ for 1 month1.44€ for 1 month

149 ₽ for 1 month1.51$ for 1 month1.44€ for 1 month

805 ₽ for 6 months
Saving 89 ₽
8.15$ for 6 months
Saving 0.91$
7.78€ for 6 months
Saving 0.86€

1520 ₽ for year
Saving 268 ₽
15.4$ for year
Saving 2.72$
14.69€for year
Saving 2.59€

805 ₽ for 6 months
Saving 89 ₽
8.15$ for 6 months
Saving 0.91$
7.78€ for 6 months
Saving 0.86€

1520 ₽for year
Saving 268 ₽
15.4$ for year
Saving 2.72$
14.69€ for year
Saving 2.59€


Test period 3-15 days

without payment and entering card data

Host-20site hosting

20 sites


20 databases

Domain free Free domain registration RU, РФ, РУС.

Unlimited FTP, mailboxes - unlimited! Unlimited traffic!

Processor 30% core

512MB DDR4 memory

Archiving (backup):
Daily Every day we make an archive copy of the site to a remote server

Control Panel:

249 ₽ for 1 month2.52$ for 1 month2.40€ for 1 month

249 ₽ for 1 month2.52$ for 1 month2.40€ for 1 month

1345 ₽ for 6 months
Saving 149 ₽
13.61$ for 6 months
Saving 1.51$
12.96€ for 6 months
Saving 1.44€

2540 ₽ for year
Saving 448 ₽
25.7$ for year
Saving 4.54$
24.48€ for year
Saving 4.32€

1345 ₽ for 6 months
Saving 149 ₽
13.61$ for 6 months
Saving 1.51$
12.96€ for 6 months
Saving 1.44€

2540 ₽ for year
Saving 448 ₽
25.7$ for year
Saving 4.54$
24.48€ for year
Saving 4.32€


Test period 3-15 days

without payment and entering card data

Free Hosting Test

CpanelISPManager Panel

Rates include:

SSL Certificate
Available on all tariffs
Domain .RU, .РФ, . РУС
free *
Depends on the hosting plan
30 days
Money Back Guarantee
free on all tariffs
1-click CMS
Installing more than 310 applications
on tariffs "Unlimited, CMS, Premium"
Technical support
We are always ready to help you
website transfer
When ordering hosting
Domain Transfer
from registrars R01, REGRU, Webnames
Hosting Earnings

Hosting Key Features

  • Disk space for mailLimited by disk size at the tariff
  • Number of sites/domainsAccording to tariff plan
  • Number of MySQL databasesEqual to the number of sites on the tariff
  • Control PanelCpanel, ISPManager
  • Connection (bandwidth)1 Gb/s
  • PHP5.4, 5.5, 5.6, 7.0, 7.1, 7.2, 7.3, 7.4, 8.0, 8.1
  • SSH accessOn tariffs "Unlimited, CMS, Premium"
  • POP3/IMAP/SMTP mail protocols
  • Web interface for reading mail
  • Mail and Domain Forwarding Support
  • Mailing Lists, Autoresponders and Antispam
  • Select PHP modules
  • phpMyAdmin
  • Managing DNS records
  • File Manager
  • Support for all popular CMS
  • SitesUnlimited
  • DomainsUnlimited
  • Disk spaceUnlimited
  • MySQL DatabasesUnlimited
  • TrafficUnlimited
  • PHP5.4, 5.5, 5.6, 7.0, 7.1, 7.2, 7.3, 7.4, 8.0, 8.1
  • MySQLMariaDB 10.3 (Cpanel, ISPManager), MySQL 5.5/5.6/5.7/8.0 (ISPManager)
  • CloudLinux
  • phpMyAdmin
  • Zend Guard, ionCube
  • HTTP/2
  • CPUIntel® Xeon® E5
  • StorageSSD Datacenter Edition
  • Bandwidth1 Gbit/s
  • Daily backups
  • Security & Firewall
  • ClamAV
  • CloudLinux
  • Tier III data center
  • UpTime99.98%

Cheap and high-quality website hosting from

Cheap hosting from

Inexpensive and reliable paid hosting from

Inexpensive and reliable hosting for websites with high-quality technical support will ensure the success of any online business. It is important to carefully choose hosting for the site, as low-quality services can lead to loss of sales or churn of customers and site visitors.

Geo of site hosting servers

Geography of servers

If the visitors of your site are residents of Russia or the CIS countries, then you need to find a hosting in Russia. Hosting in Russia will ensure the maximum loading speed of the site, and your sites will be shown in the search results more often search engines.

Quality Technical Support

Quality Technical Support

For reliable hosting in Russia, it is very important that technical support is constantly available 24/7, especially if your site is selling around the clock. We provide quality technical support for our clients.

Page load speed

Page Load Speed

Some very cheap hosting providers host thousands of sites on a single server, causing pages to load very slowly on all sites. Therefore, when choosing a provider in Russia, you need to make sure that the hoster has its own powerful servers, not rented cheaply. Especially cheap servers for rent are offered in Europe due to the fact that the equipment has already exhausted its working life. Check hosting sites and read reviews his clients

Hosting price

Hosting prices

To choose an inexpensive and reliable hosting, you need to carefully study the services provided by the provider and the options that he offers along with the basic services. Probably a more expensive tariff will suit your tasks, which will provide better performance and speed. offers hosting in Russia from $ per month and provides high speed and reliability, DDoS protection, convenient control panels hosting, easy change of PHP version. We provide hosting discounts, free SSL or paid for commercial online projects.

PHP MYSQL Hosting Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ).

Why do I need hosting and a domain for a website?

Almost every site is just a collection of files (pictures, texts, videos, database, software scripts, etc.).
These files are just placed on specialized hosting servers.
Domain name is the name (name) of the site that is entered in the address bar of the browser.

How does PHP and MySQL website hosting work?

Website hosting with PHP and MySQL is a service that allows you to host your website or web application on the Internet.
If you buy a hosting service, you are renting space on the server where you will host your website data.

What types of internet hosting services are there?

There are the following types of hosting services: shared hosting, cloud hosting, VPS hosting, dedicated server and colocation.
The cheapest hosting is shared.