Reliable and inexpensive hosting for sites on the Drupal engine from rubles / month. Hosting is optimized as much as possible for stable, safe and fast work of a Drupal site. Premium server hardware based on fast SSD drives and DDR4 memory provide maximum performance and stability.
With all this, prices remain the cheapest, and super promotions for free SSL and domain are unique offers on the market.
Moreover, discounts up to 30% - you will not find a better offer!
69 ₽/month 0.78 $/month 0.72 €/month 69 ₽/month 0.78 $/month 0.72 €/month373 ₽/6 months
Saving 41 ₽4.21$/6 months
Saving 0.47$3.89€/6 months
Saving 0.43€-10%
704 ₽/year
Saving 124 ₽7.96$/year
Saving 1.4$7.34€/year
Saving 1.3€-15%
373 ₽/6 months
Saving 41 ₽4.21$/6 months
Saving 0.47$3.89€/6 months
Saving 0.43€-10%
704 ₽/year
Saving 124 ₽7.96$/year
Saving 1.4$7.34€/year
Saving 7.34€-15%
Domain free 3rd level domain in the zone (Cpanel) or (ISPManger). Do not fill in the field "domain" when ordering hosting.
1 site
No databases
No mail
Control Panel
99 ₽/month 1.11 $/month 1.02 €/month 99 ₽/month 1.11 $/month {%pricelist.1785/price.1.mon.eur%}€/month535 ₽/6 months
Saving 59 ₽5.99$/6 months
Saving 0.67$5.51€/6 months
Saving 5.51€-10%
1010 ₽/year
Saving 178 ₽11.32$/year
Saving 2$10.4€/year
Saving 1.84€-15%
535 ₽/6 months
Saving 59 ₽5.99$/6 months
Saving 0.675.51€/6 months
Saving 0.61€-10%
1010 ₽/year
Saving 178 ₽11.32$/year
Saving 11.32$10.4€/year
Saving 10.4€-15%
Domain free Free domain registration RU, РФ, РУС. when paying for a year
3 sites
3 databases
Control Panel
149 ₽/month 1.67 $/month 1.54 €/month 149 ₽/month 1.67 $/month 1.54 €/month805 ₽/6 months
Saving 89 ₽9.02$/6 months
Saving 1$8.32€/6 months
Saving 0.92€-10%
1520 ₽/year
Saving 268 ₽17.03$/year
Saving 3.01$15.71€/year
Saving 2.77€-15%
805 ₽/6 months
Saving 89 ₽9.02$/6 months
Saving 1$8.32€/6 months
Saving 0.92€-10%
1520 ₽/year
Saving 268 ₽17.03$/year
Saving 3.01$15.71€/year
Saving 2.77€-15%
Domain free Free domain registration RU, РФ, РУС. when paying for a year
10 sites
10 databases
Control Panel
249 ₽/month 2.79 $/month 2.57 €/month 249 ₽/month 2.79 $/month 2.57 €/month1345 ₽/6 months
Saving 149 ₽15.07$/6 months
Saving 1.67$13.88€/6 months
Saving 1.54€-10%
2540 ₽/year
Saving 448 ₽28.46$/year
Saving 5.02$26.21€/year
Saving 4.63€-15%
1345 ₽/6 months
Saving 149 ₽15.07$/6 months
Saving 1.67$13.88€/6 months
Saving 1.54€-10%
2540 ₽/year
Saving 448 ₽28.46$/year
Saving 5.02$26.21€/year
Saving 4.63€/year-15%
Domain free Free domain registration RU, РФ, РУС. when paying for a year
20 sites
20 databases
Control Panel
299 ₽/month 3.35 $/month 3.08 €/month 299 ₽/month 3.35 $/month 3.08 €/month1615 ₽/6 months
Saving 179 ₽18.09$/6 months
Saving 2.01$16.63€/6 months
Saving 1.85€-10%
3050 ₽/year
Saving 538 ₽34.17$/year
Saving 6.03$31.42€/year
Saving 5.54€-15%
1615 ₽/6 months
Saving 179 ₽18.09$/6 months
Saving 2.01$16.63€/6 months
Saving 1.85€-10%
3050 ₽/year
Saving 538 ₽34.17$/year
Saving 6.03$31.42€/year
Saving 5.54€-15%
Domain free Free domain registration RU, РФ, РУС. when paying for a year
30 site
30 database
Control Panel
599 ₽/month 6.71 $/month 6.17 €/month 599 ₽/month 6.71 $/month 6.17 €/month3235 ₽/6 months
Saving 359 ₽36.23$/6 months
Saving 4.03$33.32€/6 months
Saving 3.7€-10%
6110 ₽/year
Saving 1078 ₽68.44$/year
Saving 12.08$62.93€/year
Saving 11.11€-15%
3235 ₽/6 months
Saving 359 ₽36.23$/6 months
Saving 4.03$33.32€/6 months
Saving 3.7€-10%
6110 ₽/year
Saving 1078 ₽68.44$/year
Saving 12.08$62.93€/year
Saving 11.11€-15%
Domain free Free domain registration RU, РФ, РУС. when paying for a year
60 sites
60 databases
Control Panel
1249 ₽/month 13.99 $/month 12.87 €/month 1249 ₽/month 13.99 $/month 12.87 €/month6745 ₽/6 months
Saving 749 ₽75.55$/6 months
Saving 8.39$69.5€/6 months
Saving 7.72€-10%
12740 ₽/year
Saving 2248 ₽142.7$/year
Saving 25.18$131.27€/year
Saving 23.17€-15%
6745 ₽/6 months
Saving 749 ₽75.55$/6 months
Saving 8.39$69.5€/6 months
Saving 7.72€-10%
12740 ₽/year
Saving 2248 ₽142.7$/year
Saving 25.18$131.27€/year
Saving 23.17€-15%
Domain free Free domain registration RU, РФ, РУС. when paying for a year
120 sites
120 databases
Control Panel
Hosting Key Features
The platform has over a million users. Such a large number of fans of this platform, used as engines for websites, is due to its versatility. Drupal is used with equal ease to create a variety of projects on the Internet. Suitable for blogs, online stores, corporate portals and government offices.In 2001, the engine was transformed into a large open-sourse community, where knowledge and experience of working with this platform is exchanged. Community members have made more than 42 thousand plugins that provide new opportunities for the base platform. They are available for download on the official website. This makes it possible to customize the solution for the tasks at hand. This community provides clients with professional help and support.
When choosing a hosting, pay attention to the fact that CMS works on servers with PHP 5.6 and higher. To avoid plugin crashes, the engine developers recommend using PHP 7.2-7.3.It is possible to select a tariff specifically for the size of the disks, the number of sites and databases.
It is possible to start creating a new Internet project or transferring a finished site from us after registering on the hosting. It is carried out by filling in the full name and mail in the form of ordering tariffs. Further, the control panel becomes available, on which the latest available hosting version is already automatically installed. Here services are immediately paid for or tested.
Drupal hosting is different from other systems. It has already covered about 750 thousand websites. CMS is a platform for professional developers. It is used to create complex projects and high load applications. However, a certain familiarity with the basics of site building is required, since editing can only be done in source codes.
Yes, when paying for hosting for a year or more, domain registration in RU, RF or RUS zones is free of charge.
Yes, the site is easy to install in one click from our control panel, even a beginner can handle it!
Yes, SSL certificate is provided free of charge.
The differences are that more resources and more powerful hardware are used. Speed is provided by special settings of the hosting platform and site reliability.
Yes, the transition to any tariff is carried out in the user's personal account.