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Domain InformationUS

Domain registration for only 1500 RUB15.6 $14.25 €

General information about the domain zone

  • Domain zone nameUS
  • CountryUSA
  • Year of domain zone launch1985
  • DestinationUS ccTLD. The right to register US domains are: US citizens and residents, legal entities or organizations incorporated in one of the 50 US states, the District of Columbia and other US territories, legal entities or organizations conducting commercial or non-commercial activities in the US or having offices or representative offices in the US . The registrant must also confirm that the name servers for the registered domain will be located in the United States.
  • Registry website
  • Official whois
  • The period for updating data in the Whois of the zone registryEvery 15 minutes
  • Root DNS servers update periodEvery 15 minutes
  • IDN supportNo
  • Restrictions and features of the domain zoneDNS servers must be located in the United States
  • Allowed number of characters excluding domain zone3-63
  • Service for hiding personal data (Private Person)No
How can I see the site before updating dns servers

Domain Transfer

  • Locks after last domain transfer or admin change60 days after registration and previous transfer
  • Reason for transferring a domainBased on a secret key
  • Renewal on Transfer1 year
  • Domain transfer timeWithin 15 days

Immerse yourself in the world of one of the most progressive countries

You have a great opportunity to register a domain in the US zone and tell the whole world about your products or services if you want to target residents of the US and other Western countries. You do not have to go to America to conquer this market, because in the modern world everything can be done via the Internet, correctly thinking through your strategy and marketing move. And in your case, the very first step is to buy a domain in the US zone, choose a suitable hosting for your project and start developing an interesting project. With us, you can use the website builder to create a project in a minimum amount of time.

Domain zone history

The US Top Level Zone was established in 1985 as the official US country zone. She was administered by NeuStar. The extended second-level domain zone US was opened on April 24, 2002, when companies, non-profit organizations and individuals were allowed to register a memorable American address on the Web.

Register a domain in the US zone

Already have a website? Register a middle name in the SU zone

  • Many free beautiful names
  • More target audience
  • Attracts attention