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Domain InformationРФ

Domain registration only for 167 RUB1.74 $1.59 €

General information about the domain zone

  • Domain zone nameРФ
  • CountryRussian Federation
  • Domain zone launch year25.11.2009
  • PurposeIntended for use by legal entities and individuals residing in Russia or associated with Russia, non-residents can also register domains in the РФ zone
  • Official website of the registry
  • Official whois
  • Zone Registry Whois Update PeriodEvery 15 minutes
  • Update period for dns root serversEvery 4 hours
  • Support for IDN domainsYes
  • Domain zone statistics
  • Domain zone restrictions and peculiaritiesFor registration of a РФ domain, it is allowed to use words that do not contradict public interests, principles of humanity and morality. You must not use obscene words that offend human dignity or religious feelings.
  • Allowed number of characters excluding domain zone2-63
  • Personal data concealment service (Private Person)Yes
How can I see the site before updating dns servers

Change domain administrator

  • Features when changing the domain administratorBased on a written application to the registrar

Transfer domain

  • Locks since last domain transfer or change of admin30 days after domain change and previous transfer
  • Reasons for domain transferBased on private key
  • Renewal on transferNot required
  • Domain transfer timeWithin three business days

The best option for you is "here" and "now"

Have all the sonorous names been used in RU for a long time? Are you representing a company, an online store or a project in Russia and the CIS? You need to entrust your choice to this zone right now and register a domain in .РФ with a big discount on our website. Registration and renewal of domains in the РФ zone is possible for a period of 1 year, and the more names you have in your personal account, the higher your personal discount. But make several versions that will be perfectly accepted by search engines. That is why we recommend that you register a NET domain right now at the best price on our website.

Domain zone history

Register a domain in the РФ zone

Already have a website? Register a middle name in the РФ zone

  • Many free beautiful names
  • More target audience
  • Grabs attention