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Domain InformationKZ

Domain registration only for 1200 RUB12.12 $11.52 €

General information about the domain zone

  • Domain zone name KZ
  • Country Kazakhstan
  • Domain zone launch year 1994
  • Official website of the registry
  • Official whois server
  • IDN domains support No
  • Domain zone restrictions and peculiarities KZ domain is a national top-level domain for Kazakhstan. Registration of second-level domains KZ is open to all individuals or legal entities, both residents and non-residents of the Republic of Kazakhstan. When typing a name, you can use any characters of the Latin alphabet, numbers or a hyphen. The domain zone does not support the Private Person service. The minimum name length is 4 characters, the maximum length is 63 characters, including 3 KZ characters. You can register a KZ domain for a period of 1 to 10 years.

    Attention: on September 7, 2011 there was a mass mailing of server placement requirements for domains in the kz zone:

    1. If the domain was registered before September 7, 2010, you must fill in the field: "Server equipment address". The address can be any (optional Kazakhstan).

    2. If the domain is registered after September 7, 2010, while the hosting is ours or we have ordered a parking service.

    There will be a spot check of domains for compliance with the requirements for the kz zone. At the same time, if their domain does not pass this check, the domain owner will receive a special notification to the contact e-mail, according to which he will have 10 days to transfer his domain to hosting in Kazakhstan. If the owner does not do this, the domain is blocked with the "HOLD" status and a warning letter is sent to the client. After that, the owner is given another 10 days to fulfill the requirements, after which the domain is removed from the registry.
  • Allowed number of characters excluding domain zone 1-61
  • Personal data concealment service (Private Person) No
As you can see site before updating dns-servers

Change domain administrator

  • Specifics when changing a domain administrator Changing domain owner data is carried out through the support service.

Domain transfer

  • Reasons for domain transfer Based on private key
  • Domain transfer time Within 15 days

One of the lowest prices on the market

Compared to RU, РФ zones, the KZ domain zone is comparatively higher in cost, however, in our service you can register a domain in the .kz zone at the best price. For just 1200 rubles a year you can get a unique domain at your disposal, and you can also order hosting for it. Choose the option you like using the search form below and get a domain name in a few clicks for your future projects.

Register domain in KZ zone

Already have a website? Register a middle name in the KZ zone

  • Many free beautiful names
  • More target audience
  • Grabs attention