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Domain InformationINFO

Domain registration only for 2700 RUB28.08 $25.65 €

General information about the domain zone

  • Domain zone nameINFO
  • CountryInternational Zone
  • Domain zone launch year01/30/2001
  • PurposeDesigned mainly for registering information resources, but there are no restrictions.
  • Official whois
  • Zone Registry Whois Update PeriodEvery 15 minutes
  • Update period for dns root serversEvery 15 minutes
  • IDN domains supportNo
  • Allowed number of characters excluding domain zone3-63
  • Personal data concealment service (Private Person)Yes
How can I see the site before updating dns servers

Change domain administrator

  • Specifics when changing a domain administratorOnline without restrictions

Domain transfer

  • Locks since last domain transfer or change of administrator60 days after registration and previous transfer
  • Reasons for domain transferBased on private key
  • Renewal by transfer1 year
  • Domain transfer timeWithin 15 days

Information is the only currency in the modern world that will never depreciate, and you have a great chance how to get data, and provide them to the general mass. Register an INFO domain now and create a really cool and innovative project that will attract not only a large audience, but also serious investments.

Register domain in INFO zone

Already have a website? Register a middle name in the INFO zone

  • Many free beautiful names
  • More target audience
  • Grabs attention