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Domain InformationCOM

Domain registration only for 2000 RUB20.8 $19 €

General information about the domain zone

  • Domain zone nameCOM
  • CountryInternational Zone
  • Domain zone launch year1985
  • PurposeCOM domain is intended for commercial organizations. An individual or a legal entity can buy a domain in the COM zone.
  • Official Registry Site
  • Official whois
  • Zone Registry Whois Update PeriodEvery 15 minutes
  • Update period for dns root serversEvery 24 minutes
  • Support for IDN domainsYes
  • Allowed number of characters excluding domain zone2-63
  • Personal data concealment service (Private Person)Yes
How can I see the site before updating dns servers

Change domain administrator

  • Specifics when changing a domain administratorOnline without restrictions

Domain transfer

  • Reasons for domain transferBased on private key
  • Renewal by transfer1 year
  • Domain transfer timeWithin 15 days

Declare yourself to the whole world

The Internet is an opportunity to express yourself, to show how your products and services can be of interest to users, in No matter where they are in the world, domains in the COM zone are a great option. Despite the long history of the domain zone, there is still a huge number of names for your projects, so we recommend that you register a domain in the .com zone on our website at the best price.

Register domain in COM zone

Already have a website? Register a middle name in the COM zone

  • Many free beautiful names
  • More target audience
  • Grabs attention