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Register a domain in the zoneРУС

Domain registration only for 209 RUB2.18 $1.99 €

For regional projects

Do you have a project focused on a specific region in Russia? Do you want to get great coverage and at the same time appeal to only a certain audience? Do you represent the interests of some federal district of our country? We suggest you register a domain in the .РУС zone, because this is a great option for Russian-speaking users and your company or enterprise. Suitable for both commercial projects and public, political, online stores. This is a Cyrillic domain, however, there are no problems with indexing and ranking in search engines. It is displayed perfectly in all browsers and is one of the most interesting domain zones in Russia.

Attractive area

Most of the domains in the Russian-speaking segment were occupied even before the general registration among ordinary users began. Trademarks and large brands have occupied most of the sonorous names in the Russian Federation, and they were registered in RU for a long time, however, there is still a huge number of free options in the .rus zone. You can choose a name for your future project and register a domain in the .RUS zone right now in the form below for only 99 rubles a year. This is one of the cheapest options, which allows you to save the maximum of your money at the start of the project.

Name in Cyrillic native language

You can attract attention and tell about your project in the Russian-speaking segment thanks to the Cyrillic domain in the RUS zone, where there are still many free options. The rich Russian language offers millions of options, both for familiar words and phrases, and a simple search for combinations by consonance. Choose a domain name for your project, be it a regional site or an all-Russian product, and promote it to the masses in search engines using the name in cool promotions and videos.

Domain registration for 1 year 209 RUB2.18 $1.99 €

For whom?

  • Regional projects
  • Government agencies
  • Political sites
  • Russian organizations
  • Companies
  • Media
  • Blogs
  • Websites of individual entrepreneurs
  • National level projects

Register a domain in the РУС zone

Already have a website? Register a middle name in the РУС zone

  • Large selection of domain names
  • Target audience growth
  • Causes extra attention