This is a great option for a personal site, web application, small online store, or site that accepts payments. Such an SSL certificate is worth buying for those who want to ensure reliable data protection for their users.
This certificate has 256-bit data encryption and mobile support. It is suitable for 99.9% of browsers, and you can arrange it without documents.
You can get a GeoTrust QuickSSL certificate by simply verifying your rights to the site. The CA will send an email to the domain owner with the link and code. In this simple way, you can confirm your rights to the domain and get an SSL certificate for the site.
Also, the certification center provides its customers with round-the-clock technical support, which you can contact with any issue related to ensuring protection.
After purchasing the certificate, the site owner must install a special logo on it, informing visitors about the necessary protection. This logo will be issued along with the certificate.
The insurance coverage for GeoTrust QuickSSL Premium is 500 thousand dollars. It can be installed on different servers. Its only drawback is that it does not provide protection for subdomains. But this is offset by its low cost. It is worth buying SSL protection of this level for owners of small websites and online stores.
Security logo. Your site is protected
With such certificates, you can often get a free security logo, placing which on your site allows you to inform visitors that they are on a safe site. A security logo is an additional plus to sales and customer confidence.
Domain Validated SSL Certificates
The cheapest SSL certificates with domain verification are the fastest to issue. no documents are required for their release. The process of confirming the certificate is the easiest by e-mail, to which you receive a letter with a link. These certificates are suitable for small sites.
Comparison of SSL Certificates
Our company shows in detail the differences between the most famous SSL certificates today. You can compare any of the certificates and find the best one for your tasks, while the price of an SSL certificate is not the main thing!
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